When my friends, family, or clients ask me how to get back on track after a year of COVID, here’s what I tell them: Reclaim Normalcy and Train with a Partner!
The pandemic has presented many challenges: isolation, working from home, travel restrictions, and even loss of family and friends. It has been a difficult year for all of us.
Perhaps one of the biggest impacts of COVID is that many of us got sidetracked from our fitness goals. It’s understandable that any consistent momentum we had pre-pandemic came to a grinding halt.
I’m a personal trainer, and fitness training is what I do for a living. Initially, the pandemic made things extremely difficult for me to continue with my passion and profession. It was hard to stay motivated, and it was certainly challenging to keep my clients focused on what needed to be done as they tried to balance new obstacles based on COVID restrictions.
Everyone knows that regular exercise leads to excellent health, but one of the most overlooked benefits of a fitness program is the social support it can provide. Most of us are socially starved at the moment since COVID-19 robbed us of social interactions that made life meaningful. Now is our chance to get some of those social moments back.
Finding a partner will help you re-focus on your fitness goals, social well being, and personal connections. Plan on laughing together, sweating together, and reclaiming your emotional and physical stability.

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